News Archive - June 1999
If you have filled out a form for my award or to submit a link in the days four days, you will have to submit it again to me in an email. Ever since Geocities changed to Yahoo! Geocities, the forms have not worked. I should have them fixed within a few days. Please post a message on my Message Board while you are here.
In addition to yeterdays update, I have just found out that Rambi, the Rhino, is in the game and you get to ride him around. Squacks, the parrot, gives you information throughout the game (like the owl in Zelda), but he probably won't be playable. I also, added this information the the game section.
It has been confirmed by Rare that Donkey Kong 64 will include animal friends like the previous Donkey Kong Country games did. They have not yet said which animals will appear, only that some of the old animals will make it into this game. Read more about this in the game section.
Sorry for updating so late but Geocities was changing their site and I couldn't update my site. I got a new award yesterday. Also, I miscounted my screenshots and I actually have 80! I had 64 and added 16 the other day. I guess I can't add now that I'm out of school.
I added 16 new screenshots that I got today to screenshot Page 6. This brings my grand total to 75 screenshots. That's more than any other site. I also might put up a new poll in a few days. Please vote on the poll to the right while you still have the chance.
Nothing new for Donkey Kong 64. If you have a chance go check out RareNet's E3 Experience. It talks about their trip to E3 in detail. It also has a little bit about Donkey Kong 64 in there too.
I added 24 new screenshots on screenshot Page 4 and Page 5. This brings the grand total up to 64 screenshots!!! These are more srceenshots that IGN64 took out of the movies.
I added a little bit to the section about the game. For those of you that were wondering, this section is sort of like my own preveiw to the game and talks about the details and features of the game. Also, check out the special if you haven't seen it yet. It's definately worth a look.
I finally finished the special. It is The History of Donkey Kong. It is a slideshow types thing that talks about all of the games Donkey Kong has been in. It is about 4 minutes long and definately worth watching. Check it out!
I added two new links to the links section. Also, my first award was won. Click here to try and win my award. I haven't finished the special yet but it should be ready by tomorrow. I'm also thinking of starting my own Top 100 site.
I added a section where you can win my award. If you have a website, click here to apply for it. Almost any website can win. I also changed the menu and now it is a lot more organized.
I got the links section up today. I don't have many links yet but I will get more soon. You can also submit a link there if you have a website of your own. I'm still working on the special and it should be ready by the end of the weekend. I should have more information on Donkey Kong 64 soon.
Sorry for updating so late. I don't have much news. I have been working on a special that should be ready by this weekend. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. I'm also almost done with the links section, it should be up by tomorrow. If you haven't checked out the rumors yet, go do it now.
I finally put up the rumors section. There are currently 5 rumors and I will add more soon. Check them out if you get a chance. Also, please click on the Expedia link to help this site. I need all the support I can get to keep updating this page everyday.
I added a section of where you can link to us. There are many different types of links you can put on your site. Please consider putting a link to this site on your site. I will be adding a new rumors section soon and maybe even a mailbag.
I added a section of my awards. I only have one right now but I should get some more soon. In a few days I will have a section where you can win my award. Hopefully there will be more information on Donkey Kong 64 soon.
No new news for Donkey Kong 64. Please take a minute to fill out the poll to the right and sign my guestbook. I should have more news in the next few days.
I fixed the link to the message board today. The last link I had didn't work. Please go post a message on it. Expect more on Donkey Kong 64 soon.
Finally the last day of school (at least for me). There will be a lot more hapening here now that I have more time. No new news for Donkey Kong 64 today. Expect more in the next few days.
I added a message board today. Please go to it and post a message. You can also get to it from the menu to the left. If you have any questions, post them and I will respond within a day or two. Expect more on Donkey Kong 64 in the next few days.
No new news for Donkey Kong 64. You can go check out Rare's Tepid Seat for Banjo-Tooie. It answers a lot of questions about this promising sequel to Banjo-Kazooie. I know it doesn't have to do with Donkey Kong 64 but it is made by Rare and I dn't have any Donkey Kong 64 news.
I finished putting all of the page in this new format. I also organized the screenshots into different pages so they will load a lot faster. I am getting ready to add a few new sections in the next few day so check back here soon! Please vote on the poll to the right if you get a chance.
I added a new section of E3 Impressions. You should read it. This is my last week of school so after this week you should expect a lot more updates and new sections (Maybe even a contest or two).
I just registered a new URL. You can now get to this site with a much shorter and easier to remember address. Simply type dk64central.cjb.net. If the 'cjb' part is hard to remember, just remember this phrase:
Can't Juggle Butter. It works for me. You can get a URL this this at cjb.net. I should have an awards page up in a few days.
Nintendo of America (NOA) has registered the domain name donkeykong64.com for a future site about Donkey Kong 64. They registered that domain on July 27, 1998, which is a while back. I don't know when the will have the site up but it probably won't be until just before the game is released. At least we know that they will make an official Donkey Kong 64 page.
I just got 14 new screenshots of Donkey Kong 64. IGN64.com took these out of the movies that they had. They are pretty good quality. Expect more updates this weekend and a lot more going on here once I get out of school (last day is June 11). I will have a lot more time then and you should see many new sections and contests.
Sorry for updating so late but Geocities was not working earlier today. No new news for Donkey Kong 64. I have just been told that this page doesn't look right under certain browsers. If you have any trouble viewing this page or the tables are messed up, please tell me what the problem is and what browser you are using.
I changed the menu and it should hopefully help the page load faster. You can now send this page to a friend. I will finish converting the other pages to this format in the next couple days and will also be adding several new section including rumors, links, and awards. I have already converted the movies page to this format. Please give me some ideas for other sections or contests you would like to see on this page.
I changed the look of the page a little bit with the black background. I think it looks a lot better. Please tell me what you think of it. I am currently working on converting the other pages to this format. Please click on the Expedia banner to the right to support this page or visit the World's Top 100 Gaming Sites to vote for this site. I should have more on Donkey Kong 64 soon.